What new technologies will determine the future? This will be one of the key questio discussed at the hybrid event. Registration is still open. (Source: DRF Luftrettung)
What new technologies will determine the future? This will be one of the key questio discussed at the hybrid event. Registration is still open. (Source: DRF Luftrettung)
Demographic change, hospital specialisations, the skilled worker shortage, digitalisation: the healthcare system – and air rescue, an important part of the rescue services – is facing major challenges. Against this background, DRF Luftrettung is organising a symposium on the ‘Air Rescue of the Future’ in Stuttgart and online on 14th June. What new technologies will determine the future? How can we ensure that patients receive optimal care in the future? These will be the key questions discussed at the hybrid event. Registration is still open.
Renowned medical and flight operation experts from the European emergency and air rescue services will discuss the current challenges and visions of the ‘Air Rescue of the Future’ at Wagenhallen Stuttgart and online on 14th June. Topics such as digitalisation in healthcare, innovation in medical technology, new approaches to improving the rescue system as well as modern flight procedures and helicopter technologies are just a few of the many items on the symposium’s diverse agenda. The afternoon panel discussion will focus on assessing topics in the context of health policy in order to find solutions for the best patient care possible.
‘Following the introductory presentations on the development of air rescue and emergency medicine, we have deliberately split the event into two blocks. Experts from flight operations and medicine will therefore have the opportunity to engage in intimate technical discussions separately. We hope that the final panel discussion with a wide range of political representatives will lead to exciting discussions, especially in light of the structural changes in healthcare and emergency services such as the restructuring of air rescue in Baden-Württemberg,’ explains Dr Jörg Braun, Medical Director of DRF Luftrettung and organiser of the symposium. The symposium is taking place as part of DRF Luftrettung’s activities to celebrate its 50th anniversary this year: ‘Over the past five decades, DRF Luftrettung has become a major player in the rescue services. We drive innovation and are committed to the further development of air rescue. With our symposium, we are looking to the future so that we can continue to actively influence the coming decades in the interests of the patients in our care.’
Note: Registration is possible via the following link. The event is aimed at international medical and flight operation professionals and decision makers in ground and air rescue services, emergency medicine and hospitals.
Telephone: +49 711 7007 2205
Email: presse@drf-luftrettung.de